Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wave Energy

A Terminator Device

          There is a new technology that has the power to completely reform the current energy market and possibly get rid of our dependence on fossil fuels.  This technology is called wave energy.  The way this technology works is through a Wave Energy Converter or WEC.  This WEC takes the power that a wave possesses and turns it into electricity.  One of the most interesting and sustainable innovations of this technology is an object called a point absorber.  A point absorber is an offshore operation in which the device floats in the ocean and is anchored to the ocean floor.  A connected floating device is present in the middle and moves up and down relative to every wave that comes through.  The movement of this device through the point absorber causes the creation of energy.  The only problem with this technology is that it is very expensive and the device needs pretty constant maintenance to make sure it is as efficient as possible.  Another very good wave energy method is called a terminator device.  This method also produces no waste and can be used onshore efficiently.  The terminator device must be along the shore in order for the waves to travel into the device.  The machine uses a piston system in which the water moves pistons and forces air out through an airway.  This air that is forced out is then used to turn turbines located in the structure.  The movement from the turbine can be directly turned into electricity without any waste.  The main problem that is causing wave energy to not prosper is the lack of funding.  Wave energy has the capability to be a huge power source, but it needs to see the proper funding from government.  The only way to get this much money for studies and improvements on current technology would be through taxes and everybody knows that new taxes are not easy to pass.  Another problem with this technology is where the waves are the most powerful, are the places that there is bad weather conditions.  Scientists have to be able to develop technology that can account for these dangerous conditions.
Point Absorber

                The energy produced by Wave Energy Converters would be transported from the machine into an electrical generator and sent out among large rails, just as large electric plants work.  The energy comes from the waves, into a machine, through an electric generator, and then out to the consumers.  The amount of energy produced by the waves is not too much to be able to provide an entire country yet, but the developments are getting a lot more efficient and powerful.  The obstacles often deal with the efficiency of the machines, because energy is being lost when turning the wave power into electricity.  Finally, depending on the area the wave energy can be centralized or decentralized.  If it becomes a bigger power source, then it will have to be centralized to provide for the land-locked areas.  Many places do not have direct access to natural waves and therefore, coastal areas will have to produce for the others.  As of now, the plants are mostly decentralized because they can use less money in shipping whenever it is close.

                The consumption of this energy, along with all energy, can be reduced greatly by people being smarter with their use.  First of all, our society is careless with how we use our energy.  Everybody can save an amazing amount of energy by merely unplugging large appliances that are not being used.  Businesses will be able to find incentives to curb demand for this new wave technology by advertising the limited impact it leaves on the environment.  The technology has no lasting impact on environment and can be a cleaner energy.  As people begin to become more educated on the dangers of global warming and fossil fuels, we will strive to use more acceptable and clean energy.  Also, as these machines become more and more efficient, they will be able to overtake our large use of fossil fuels.  People will demand the use of natural energy production like wave power instead of burning fossil fuels.  Finally, we will discover that there is an endless supply of waves and tidal forces that can produce energy.  Fossil fuels will run out, but the power in waves will always be striking the coasts; day and night.       


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